Stories tune Filter results keyboard_arrow_left Back Filters Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Assurance Capability Connectivity Cyber security Data Digital Digital Design System Guidance Legacy Modernisation Life Journeys NSW Telco Authority Policy Policy Lab Principles Procurement Security Service Delivery Transformation Showing results 181 - 192 of 347 results Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) Australian Death Notification Service - reducing burden at the most trying of times Digital Transformation 1st August 2020 After the death of someone close to them, people report being in a cloud of grief; a reactive state that makes it hard to complete the east Paintings from the collection exhibition are now available online Digital Transformation 1st August 2020 Due to COVID-19 pandemic, customers have been unable to attend exhibition at State Library of NSW. The Paintings from the Collection east Digitally bringing our exhibitions to your home during COVID-19 Digital Transformation 1st August 2020 State Library of NSW organises onsite exhibitions on a variety of themes. One such exhibition is Eight Days in Kamay, which coincides with east Making it easier to access NSW Government open data Digital Transformation 31st July 2020 Data.NSW is the main channel for accessing NSW Government open data. It provides information and guidance on using, sharing and managing east Digitally complete a new public housing lease anytime and anywhere Digital Transformation 30th July 2020 Currently, completing the paper based public housing lease is both time consuming and costly. With the new Digital Tenant Leases initiative east Improving cyber security awareness in NSW Government and local councils via The Essentials Cyber security Digital 29th July 2020 Cyber security awareness is important in protecting our digital systems and services across NSW Government and local councils. 80 percent of east Providing real-life experience of working in NSW Government via our virtual internship program Digital Transformation 28th July 2020 Attracting diverse, high quality talent to NSW Government is important to building a world class Public Service and one way NSW Government east SharkSmart is enhancing beach surveillance and improving safety for beachgoers in NSW Digital Transformation 27th July 2020 To improve protection from shark attacks for beachgoers, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has launched and is leading the NSW east Digitally enhancing investigation management for police reportable bushfires incidents across NSW Digital Transformation 25th July 2020 With the recent 2019/20 unprecedented bushfire emergency, NSW Police Force was expected to provide a holistic view of NSW bushfires to the east Uplifting cyber security skills and capabilities via the Bathurst Vulnerability Management Centre Digital Transformation 23rd July 2020 Cyber Security NSW has launched the Bathurst Vulnerability Management Centre (VMC), which is the first of its kind in NSW and across east How we designed an app that saves lives Digital Transformation 23rd July 2020 In April 2019 SafeWork NSW responded to a workplace fatality where an 18 year-old apprentice tragically lost his life in a scaffolding east Listen to historically significant audio collections online now Digital Transformation 21st July 2020 The State Library of NSW has an archive of more than 13,000 hours of audio material which includes historically significant interviews and east Pagination keyboard_arrow_left Back Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 keyboard_arrow_right Next Stay in the loop and sign up to the Digital NSW newsletter Find out about work happening across NSW Government in the digital space. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required)