Stage 1: PoAs list potential projects for funding

Strategically aligned projects go into a Pipeline
Every year, PoAs update their three-year digital plans to align with government and portfolio strategies and priorities. These plans are used as an indicative list of projects which may be eligible for funding under the Digital Restart Fund.
Digital Strategy, Investment and Assurance (DSIA) will collect foundational information about the projects to determine:
- Eligibility for funding from the DRF in line with the DRF Act, scope and purpose of the DRF to follow the DRF funding pathway
- Funding type (seed or scale) is determined by the nature of the initiative. For example, seed funding will be suggested to reduce delivery/transformation risk and/or deliver value sooner.
The State Digital Strategy is currently being developed to set the strategic direction for a Whole of Government (WofG) ICT and Digital roadmap. This will:
- Provide a holistic view of ICT and Digital Investment across the sector and,
- Provide more transparency, better prioritisation, and greater opportunity to drive re-use of digital services and products.
DSIA, in consultation with PoAs, will ensure alignment of three-year plans to the State Digital Strategy, and form a WofG Pipeline of Digital and ICT investments, including recommended funding pathways and an assessment of their priority.
All projects on the ICT and Digital roadmap and WofG Pipeline must be approved by the respective Portfolio of Agency Minister. The WofG Pipeline will be endorsed by the Cabinet Infrastructure Committee (CIC) annually, with a regular refresh of projects aligned to government priorities.

Stage 1 checklist
What's next
Stage 2: DTB prioritise a pipeline of projects
Projects need to meet the Digital Restart Fund eligibility and listed criteria.