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NSW Automation Guide

Unlock the potential of automation and transform your organisation. Improve productivity and service accessibility for NSW communities.

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Automation and government objectives

Automation is key to meeting the NSW Government's objectives in many areas. If well governed and responsibly implemented, it improves resource use, artificial intelligence analytics, and decision-making. Automation also makes services more inclusive and boosts cybersecurity. This guide provides you with the industry insights, tools, and strategies to implement automation responsibly in your government organisation. It sets the NSW Government up for successful digital innovation.

Legal and ethical obligations

Any organisation implementing automation technology must meet state and federal legal, community and Parliamentary expectations of good administration practices.

All NSW Government agencies must consult and employ the NSW AI Ethics Policy, the NSW AI Assessment Framework, and the NSW Ombudsman’s resources on Automated Decision-Making. Aligning with public sector resources will ensure the ethical, safe, and secure design and implementation of automation.2,3,4,5,6,15

Explore the NSW Automation Guide

Understand automation types, features, and capabilities.

Discover robotic process automation and intelligent automation use-cases, benefits and risks.

Learn how to build and sustain a healthy pipeline of automation opportunities.

Learn how to select a suitable automation technology provider.

Assess your organisation’s maturity and lead strategically.

Access industry best practices. Build a successful and sustainable automation journey.