We're excited to have launched the new NSW Strategy, Investment and Architecture Community of Practice (ComPrac). The new ComPrac builds and expands on the existing work done by the previous NSW Government Enterprise Architecture ComPrac in the digital capability and enterprise architecture domain.
What's the purpose of this community of practice?
This updated community of practice explores ways to collaborate and coordinate efforts to uplift capabilities and embed new ways of working into enterprise architecture practice. We also guide and consult departments to identify opportunities for re-use, improve customer experiences and all of government strategic investment planning.
It focuses on building strong relationships and connections to drive robust strategic discussions to respond to current and future challenges across whole of government. Furthermore, it provides whole of government guiding principles and toolkits to share best practice and knowledge with NSW Government departments and agencies.

What's new and how is it different?
The previous community of practice was more focused on architecture and underlying technology services. We have now shifted the needle to have a strong emphasis on using modern enterprise architecture approach to drive strategic business outcomes across all of government. Modern enterprise architecture approach blends foundational architecture practice with new ways of working and human centred design to uplift digital capabilities across the sector.
The second focus area for this community of practice involves providing strategic advisory services to NSW Government departments and agencies to identify opportunities of reuse and enhancing the customer experience via different government products and services. The community also guides and consults different NSW Government agencies on strategic investment planning and state digital assets.
Who can join this community?
We run quarterly community of practice workshops. It invites enterprise architecture, strategy, digital transformation, service design and strategic investment practitioners from across NSW Government to share experience, knowledge and best practice.
Who can I talk to?
For more information about our services, or to join NSW Strategy, Investment & Architecture Community of Practice, please email ea@customerservice.nsw.gov.au. Please include your name, agency, email address, title and phone number.