Regulatory Reform
The Digital Restart Fund has contributed significantly to improving the regulatory landscape in NSW.
The DRF has invested in projects aimed to reduce regulatory burden on consumers and businesses, increase productivity, allowing customers to tell their story once.
These projects focus on integration of key government services so that consumers can have a seamless customer journey when using NSW Government services.
Some of the projects funded in the last year include:
Tell Your Story Once
This project will allow disaster affected persons to register and apply for a range of disaster assistance services and funding support without having to relay the same information to multiple government agencies and/or organisations. This project will reduce effort for customers and allow them to access assistance faster, particularly in times of need.
This project creates an improved digital experience for customers interacting with NSW Government so they can access accurate and timely government information in one place: NSW customers will benefit by being able to access information organised and presented consistently across all NSW Government websites in a customer centric way, saving time and reducing confusion.
This project will enable community, industry and government agencies to submit and manage development applications and general planning online instead of manual paper-based transactions. This project reduces red tape and saves time spent in managing and reviewing applications and will allow individuals to easily access and view the status of their applications.
This project is replacing legacy systems to create a ‘digital front door’ to enhance complaints, compliance, enforcement, and investigations transactions for regulators. This will allow for real time notifications and alerts for licence status changes and will enable faster enforcement action.
This project will deliver end-to-end quality assurance for customers, suppliers and builders that will improve the transparency, accountability and quality of work within the building sector.
Pet Registry
This project will deliver a redesigned NSW Pet Registry system that will increase usability and functionality for all user groups, resulting in higher rates of registration and improved animal welfare. It will also improve the microchipping process for vets, allowing easy transfer of ownership. The single portal MVP will improve customer experience, expediting online transactions and data sharing between Government agencies.