Natural Disasters
In the past 12 months, flooding has caused havoc for communities across NSW. This comes after years of drought and extensive bushfire. Finding digital solutions to help in the event of natural disasters is an essential part of supporting NSW communities.
The Digital Restart Fund project, Tell Your Story Once, is a person-centred approach to assisting disaster affected people. vLed by Resilience NSW, the project aims to enhance the disaster registration and recovery assistance process to reduce the difficulty associated with applying for government assistance.
Tell Your Story Once will allow disaster affected persons to register and apply for a range of disaster assistance services and funding support without repeating the same information to one or more government agencies/non-government organisations.
The Rural Assistance Authority Service Transformation will apply a human-centred design approach to design and test an integrated disaster recovery and application process. This will involve working across DPI, with Local Land Services and Resilience NSW.
A digitally enabled pathway that leverages data, analytics and artificial intelligence will enable interoperability and data sharing across Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW) and government more broadly to support delivery of well-designed assistance programs for the greatest benefit for customers and NSW Government.
Future proofing Department of NSW’s emergency response capability, will deliver a digital solution that will enhance DRNSW capability to manage emergencies. Interoperable emergency management IT systems within DPI/LLS Beta product for customer facing digital solution equipped to share and receive digital emergency information with rural and regional communities.