Stories tune Filter results keyboard_arrow_left Back Filters Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Assurance Capability Connectivity Cyber security Data Digital Digital Design System Guidance Legacy Modernisation Life Journeys NSW Telco Authority Policy Policy Lab Principles Procurement Security Service Delivery Transformation Showing results 13 - 24 of 44 results Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) Cyber Security NSW – 2021 year in review Cyber security Data Security 14th June 2022 In 2021 the acceleration of remote working and digital adoption continued, with working from home now the new normal for many Australians east The Digital Restart Fund is making it easier for builders and tradespeople to go wallet free Data Transformation 3rd May 2022 An exciting new initiative funded through the Digital Restart Fund has landed for individual Contractor Licence holders. The Digital east The roadmap to an effective AI assurance ecosystem with Amber Fletcher Artificial Intelligence Data Digital Transformation 22nd March 2022 As of 31st March 2022, safer and more efficient services will be delivered for NSW customers and business using artificial intelligence (AI) east Accessible air quality data informing NSW Customers Data Digital Transformation 21st February 2022 Air pollution in NSW has been monitored in NSW since 1951, with continuous monitoring of fine particles starting in the 1970s. However east Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science with Shveta Gupta Data Digital Transformation 8th February 2022 February 11 marks the seventh International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a global event that heralds the importance of gender balance east Driving safe, secure and smart projects through the Artificial Intelligence Assurance Framework Data Digital Transformation 24th January 2022 Ian Oppermann PhD is the Chief Data Scientist for the New South Wales state government in Australia and an Industry Professor at the east Digital solutions saving our Halloween friends Data Digital Service Delivery 26th October 2021 Halloween is a time to celebrate all things spooky such as witches, frogs and bats, but across NSW, we're much more likely to see these east How might we….design a new and exciting Digital Restart Fund pipeline product? Data Digital Service Delivery Transformation 6th October 2020 The NSW Government is investing a massive $1.6 billion into the Digital Restart Fund (DRF). This is the largest ever funding commitment for east Our Beyond Digital Strategy Sept release is now live! Capability Data Digital Transformation 6th October 2020 We are continuously refreshing the content of Beyond Digital Strategy to ensure it's relevant with the new and exciting initiatives that get east Beyond Digital – May release is now live Data Digital Transformation 4th June 2020 We're excited to have released our second update for the Beyond Digital Strategy. The strategy is designed as a living document and a east We’ve released our first update for the Beyond Digital Strategy Data Digital Transformation 18th March 2020 We're excited to have released our first update for the Beyond Digital Strategy. The strategy is constantly evolving to include new east What’s in the Metadata? Data Guidance 17th February 2020 In a recent blog post, the Data.NSW team make a compelling case for bringing together people across the government to promote smarter use of east Pagination keyboard_arrow_left Back Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keyboard_arrow_right Next Stay in the loop and sign up to the Digital NSW newsletter Find out about work happening across NSW Government in the digital space. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required)