Flood and Storm Intelligence Sensing

Innovative technology protecting communities
New artificial intelligence (AI) technology is being developed as part of the Flood and Storm Intelligence Sensing project, which is part of the NSW Government’s efforts to protect communities during severe weather events. The project is funded through Transport for NSW’s Smart Places Acceleration Program, which has been funded by the Digital Restart Fund.
The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) has partnered with researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and TPG Telecom to develop and test network sensing technology, which extracts localised weather information including rainfall, water levels and river flows using signals transmitted on the communications network.
The Network Sensing Lab will develop and trial solutions that can be readily deployed in commercial networks. These build on cutting-edge algorithms and techniques developed by UTS researchers to monitor and predict flooding by leveraging existing wireless networks.
The project will improve safety outcomes for the community, with more accurate and up-to-date information available on flood and storms.
Department leading the project
NSW State Emergency Service
For more information please visit: Flood and Storm Intelligence Sensing.