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A NSW Government website

Digital NSW

Case Studies

Accelerating virtual care and telehealth services for the citizens of NSW

We are digitally empowering citizens to access health services in the comfort of their home to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread in the community via myVirtualCare.

Connecting people with places and digital on regional rail

Getting people to the places they want to go, when they need to be there is the foundation of rail connectivity and making sure people can connect digitally while travelling is an important part of the experience.

Improving safety in the Snowy Mountains

Snowy 2.0 is the largest, nation-building renewable energy project in Australia, generating more than 4,000 direct jobs into the Snowy Mountains...

Closing the digital divide for remote and rural school

To be ready for the jobs of tomorrow, school students must be digitally literate today; it is a core skill for the emerging workforce that relies on school environments having digital infrastructure...

Improving access to faster, more reliable connectivity for regional communities

Poor mobile and slow internet coverage are two of the biggest issues faced by people living in regional and remote NSW.