A publishing platform for emergency agencies.
The HazardPublisher program is an intuitive and streamlined workflow for NSW Government agency staff to create and publish warnings to various public channels to provide real-time hazard updates and warnings to the relevant areas. As part of HazardPublisher, these updates and warnings are also published on HazardWatch, Hazards Near Me, SES website and email distribution groups.
Using insight from previous emergency events and their notification processes, HazardPublisher was co-designed with NSW SES to ensure key friction points in the emergency notification process were removed.
Due to HazardPublisher, the average warning publishing time during an emergency event has been reduced from 30 minutes to 3 minutes.

How has HazardPublisher improved the process for publishing events and warnings?
- Structured templates to create consistent, clear warning messages
- Flexible end-to-end approvals workflows to support online and verbal approvals
- Dashboards that provide emergency agencies with visibility of all in-progress and active warnings
- Dashboards that are tailored to the user’s role as a warning creator, a warning approver, or a general user or viewer
- Built in distribution channels for publishing warnings

Want to know more?
Visit our frequently asked questions page or get in touch by emailing GTPpartnership@customerservice.nsw.gov.au