Supporting copy
Let the user know why you're asking for information.
The purpose of adding supporting copy to transactions is to:
- increase transparency and accuracy
- let the user know why you're asking for information
- support users who may need guidance.
The user feels as though you're using their data in a secure way. They can also find further support if they need it.
- Supporting copy appears beneath headings.
- Only include vital information that complements the headings.
- Workout with your stakeholders:
- what content will support the user if there are common mistakes in an application
- what the user needs to know (this could be for legal reasons)
- why you're asking for this data and what you can tell the user
- Do usability testing to find out what parts of the transaction users may have trouble with.
- You can also test how the supporting copy assists the user when they are unsure.
When your supporting copy is clear and helpful you increase the user's trust in using government transactions.
Applications and transactions often ask for sensitive information. By stating why you're collecting data and what you will use it for, you're enhancing the user experience.
Supporting copy also helps users complete their task. Use this space to let users know where they can find required details, or who to contact if they cannot find them.
State why you are asking for their contact details, and who is asking for them.