Writing style
Our content is:
- specific
- informative
- to the point.
We include only as much information as the user will need to finish a task or move onto the next step.
We don't add any background or historical information when it's not helpful straightaway.
Plain Language
We want everyone to understand us, so we use plain language. We keep it conversational, but not too casual.
We avoid formal or technical words when easy or short words will do.
buy, not purchase
help, not assist
about, not approximately
If we need to use a technical or legal term, we explain what it means in plain English.
Active voice
We use active voice rather than the passive voice.
Active voice is when the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb.
You need to lodge an application.
Do not
An application will need to be lodged by you.
Personal pronouns
We use first person (we, us) and second person (you) to speak directly to our users.
Think of it as a conversation. We speak to people, not at them or down to them.
Let us know if you're having trouble
Do not
Applicants having difficulties should contact Service NSW.
Inclusive language
We use language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups.
When we talk about people, we only talk about their individual characteristics when it's directly relevant to the content.
Carefully consider language involving:
- gender and gender identity
- sexual orientation
- marital status
- language, culture, race or ethnicity
- immigration status
- age
- disability or impairment
- mental health
- socioeconomic status
- personal appearance.
If you have a trained assistance animal, you're legally entitled to take your animal with you when you use NSW public transport.
Do not
Blind and/or handicapped people who rely on assistance animals can take their animal with them on NSW public transport.
We use gender-neutral language.
them, their, theirs, they're
police officer
Do not
him, her, his, hers, he, she
Customers use all types of devices to read our content. Use verbs that apply to desktops, mobile devices, touch-screens and accessibility screen readers.
Select the 'Next' button.
Do not
Click the 'Next' button.