Stories tune Filter results keyboard_arrow_left Back Filters Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Capability Connectivity Cyber security Data Digital Digital Assurance Digital Design System Guidance Legacy Modernisation Life Journeys NSW Telco Authority Policy Policy Lab Principles Procurement Security Service Delivery Transformation Showing results 13 - 24 of 29 results Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) Digital solutions saving our Halloween friends Data Digital Service Delivery 26th October 2021 Halloween is a time to celebrate all things spooky such as witches, frogs and bats, but across NSW, we're much more likely to see these east Digital design to inform NSW customers of air quality Digital Digital Design System Service Delivery Transformation 28th September 2021 NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's (DPIE) Digital Experience and Solutions team look after more than 100 external east Shedding light on Sydney Water's Customer Experience Program Digital Service Delivery Transformation 18th January 2021 As Australia’s largest water and wastewater service provider, Sydney Water have been providing safe, refreshing drinking water to more than east A new digital delivery manual Digital Design System Service Delivery 15th January 2021 We’ve launched a new digital delivery manual for NSW Government. The delivery manual is an end-to-end guide on how to successfully deliver a east How might we….design a new and exciting Digital Restart Fund pipeline product? Data Digital Service Delivery Transformation 6th October 2020 The NSW Government is investing a massive $1.6 billion into the Digital Restart Fund (DRF). This is the largest ever funding commitment for east NSW Government AI Summit Artificial Intelligence Digital Policy Lab Service Delivery 2nd December 2019 Communique The NSW Government held the AI Thought Leaders Summit on 29 November 2019. The Summit was opened by the Minister for Customer east Uplift in digital capabilities for the NSW public sector Capability Digital Service Delivery 29th November 2019 An excerpt from the Growing capability chapter of the State of the NSW Public Sector Report 2019, published by the Public Service Commission east Bridging the digital divide with MyHousing Online Services Digital Service Delivery 11th November 2019 While digital inclusion is improving in Australia overall, people on low incomes, with low education or who are unemployed are less east Discovering the best way to navigate the ‘End of Life’ journey Digital Service Delivery Transformation 29th March 2019 In the digital.nsw Accelerator we're working to make the 'End of Life' journey a clearer process for people following a death in their east How might we … Change the Digital Funding Game? Capability Digital Service Delivery 27th February 2019 We have been cross-training with a team of elite Treasury and NSW government agency athletes over the past six months to develop a east DNA’s First Birthday – Celebrations from our First Year Capability Digital Service Delivery 27th February 2019 We’ve been kicking goals, with NSW services changing for the better and digital projects expanding and connecting people in the community east How our Capability Building Tool is helping NGOs make a difference Service Delivery 26th February 2019 You might recall the NGO Capability Building Tool from our 2018 highlights. It's a free online self-assessment tool for organisations east Pagination keyboard_arrow_left Back Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keyboard_arrow_right Next Stay in the loop and sign up to the Digital NSW newsletter Find out about work happening across NSW Government in the digital space. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required)