Welcome to our fourth and final update to the Beyond Digital Strategy for 2020!
What’s new in our December 2020 release?
The strategy is designed to be a living product, so we update it every quarter. This quarter’s release includes:
NSW Cloud Strategy and Policy: The NSW Government Cloud Strategy sets the vision, principles, and outcomes for cloud use across NSW Government. The policy provides guidance for agency cloud use, in line with the existing procurement and security guidance.
NSW Operational Communications Strategy 2020: The strategy charts a ten-year technology roadmap to deliver mission-critical voice and data-enabled services to meet growing customer needs and help keep people and places safe.
NSW Digital Drivers Licence: The uptake of Digital Drivers Licence has been enormously successful, with over 2.07 million digital licenses downloaded since the launch, representing over 36 percent of all licensed drivers in NSW. Get your Digital Drivers Licence now.
MyServiceNSW Accounts: we are continuing to keep the customer at the centre with a 3.7% increase in the total number of customers who have MyServiceNSW accounts via Service NSW since September 2020. The total number of customer accounts is now 5.55 million customers across NSW December 2020. Create your MyService account now.
What’s coming up in our future releases?
We’ve been actively working and collaborating with our colleagues from NSW Government to release the following in 2021:
NSW Data Strategy: This strategy will set out NSW government’s vision for better sharing and use of data to inform decision-making. It will include principles and sector-wide actions and will inform department data roadmaps. It will be aligned to the NSW Customer Strategy to ensure customers are at the centre of data-informed decisions leading to better outcomes.
Gig State: This initiative will boost regional internet service with network infrastructure and increased fibre capacity in regional NSW, to deliver a faster and more reliable service to regional communities and businesses.
Smart Western City Program: The Smart Western City Program will define a range of smart place initiatives and solutions that will ensure the Western Parkland City is a connected and digitally enabled city. It is a key commitment under the Western Sydney City Deal.
NSW Cyber Security Strategy: The 2020 NSW Cyber Security Strategy is underway. Public consultation closed in late July and one-on-one industry engagement finished in late August 2020. The strategy will be completed in the coming months.
NSW Spatial Digital Twin – Infrastructure Scheme: DCS Spatial Services has completed the proof of concept for the Infrastructure Scheme of its Digital Twin. This will identify and visualise NSW utilities infrastructure (example - power, water, gas and telecommunications) and buildings in real-time, which will enhance emergency management's capability to plan and respond to emergency events and disaster recovery. Spatial Services is now in the process of implementing a minimum viable product by the end of the fiscal year.
Have you signed up to Our Customer Commitments yet?
274 of your colleagues have signed up to our Customer Commitments, and shown their support to continuously improve outcomes for the citizens of NSW. We encourage everyone to sign up to Our Customer Commitments and become an advocate for change now.
The Beyond Digital Strategy has since been updated to the NSW Digital Strategy