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Land iQ

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Land iQ is designed to improve the planning system by helping NSW government agencies make faster, smarter decisions about the use of land

It’s a living platform designed to continue to evolve and adapt to the future needs of users, leveraging new digital resources as they become available. It’s available to NSW Government agencies while we continue to refine the tool and develop license options to make it available to other levels of government, councils, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, researchers and industry.

  • Data library – A comprehensive spatial and government data library including typology assumptions sourced from relevant delivery entities (e.g. School Infrastructure, Health Infrastructure, Landcom).
  • Site search – Advanced multiple-criteria site searching including ownership, size, planning controls, and proximity to services, infrastructure, amenities, constraints and more.
  • Geocentric analysis – A comprehensive analysis of a particular location against benchmarks and other geographies.
  • Scenario planning – Land use scenario analysis to understand impact of change in use across social, economic, environmental and financial metrics.


Land iQ brings more than 40 land use data types into one single platform, making it easy to search more than 8 million lots and properties to test the impact of different land use scenarios. The tool is already being used to support the delivery of temporary housing in Northern NSW as part of the government’s flood response.

Provides a holistic and strategic approach to land use decision making. Enables evidence-based decision making. Creates a centralised and comprehensive data register of relevant data sources. Provides a robust digital visualisation planning tool which leverages urban analytics to support scenario planning and business cases.


Property and Development NSW led the development of Land iQ.

This in-house tool has been developed and tested in collaboration with agencies across NSW Government and in partnership with industry and academia.

Department leading the project

Property and Development NSW

For more information, please visit Land iQ.

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