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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Strategy, policy and practical resources guiding Artificial Intelligence in government.

Artificial Intelligence | Digital NSW

Ministers Foreword

“Artificial intelligence offers the opportunity to create a safer and more productive world, and we must do so responsibly, safely, and ethically”

  • - Minister Dib
Minister Dib Portrait | Digital NSW

Pillars of NSW Government's approach to AI

Defining NSW Government’s adoption of AI to deliver world-class services

Key principles for the consistent and ethical implementation of AI across 

Assistance for agencies in designing, building and using AI-enabled products and solutions

AI guidance

Definitions and practical resources to help you harness AI tools in government.

AI Assessment Framework

Helping determine whether your system contains artificial intelligence for the purposes of applying the AI Assessment Framework (AIAF).

Guidance for understanding roles and responsibilities to ensure responsible artificial intelligence (AI) practices.

Key considerations for sourcing and managing AI enabled systems

Technologies and best practice

Working responsibly and ethically with Generative AI

A practical guide to communicating with chatbots