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Showcase template

Produce a presentation you can share with your stakeholders once you’ve completed key milestones in your project.

Launch PowerPoint template

  • Presentation Time
    60 mins
  • Preparation Time
    60+ mins
  • Casting
    1+ team members
  • Tool

Use for: Sharing key achievements

When: Once you’ve reached a milestone in your project

With: Your team and stakeholders

Showcase template

Presentation guide

Sharing project success with stakeholders and getting feedback on how things are progressing is critical to moving your project forward. This template sets out a structure for you to communicate your learnings and capture stakeholder feedback for the next phase of your project.

What’s it for

For sharing how you’ve reached a key milestone in your project, the outcomes achieved and what’s next.

What you’ll get

Stakeholder support for what you’ve achieved, and for how you’ll move your project forward.

When to do it

Set up showcases with your stakeholders at key milestones in your project.

How it works

Before you start

  • Complete a key milestone in your project.
  • Identify your audience.
  • Send out showcase invitations.

Step 1: Identify key information your stakeholders want to know

Step 2: Fill in the showcase template

Step 3: Practice presenting with your team

Step 4: Hold your showcase

What’s next

  • Gather any feedback or considerations from stakeholders.
  • Action your next steps, or start planning how you’ll tackle them.
  • Turn your presentation into a report by adding further detail, then circulate it to your team, agency, or community of practice.



This presentation template is contributed by the OneCX team, Department of Customer Service.