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Generating research questions

Use this activity to generate meaningful interview questions, based on the assumptions that your project relies on for success.

Launch Miro activity

  • Time
    ½ day
  • Casting
    2+ team members
  • Tool

Use for: Generating key research questions

When: You've defined the objective(s) of your research

With: Your project team

Generate research questions activity (Miro)

Activity guide

You know you need to speak to users, but what should you be asking them? This activity will help your team identify and prioritise the assumptions your project is based on, and turn them into insightful interview questions for users, stakeholders and subject matter experts.

What’s it for

To generate interview questions that will validate the assumptions your project relies on.

What you’ll get

A list of key questions to ask in your interviews, in an order that makes sense.

When your team is working out who you need to speak to and why.

How it works

Before you start this activity

  • Clearly define the problem space you're looking into.
  • Take note of any pre-emptive opportunities or solutions being discussed.

Step 1: Generate assumptions

Step 2: Prioritise assumptions

Step 3: Turn assumptions into research questions

What’s next

  • Prepare for your interviews using the discussion guide template.
  • Share your key questions with stakeholders so they get a sense of what you'll be learning.
  • Walk your team or stakeholders through the activity board to show them the process.



This activity is contributed by Digital Service team, Department of Customer Service.