Increase NSW Government cyber resiliency
NSW Government and its agencies have a responsibility to provide secure, protected and trusted services to our citizens. Due to rapid advancements in technology, and the evolving nature of threats posed to our states systems and services, what is “good” security today quickly fades. The NSW Government's cyber security will need ongoing investment and maintenance to sustain and improve our cyber security capabilities. By committing to uplifting our maturity against the Cyber Security Policy, we also recognise that continual cyber security uplift is core to achieving our vision.
Our Strategic Objectives:
- Provide co-ordinated leadership for best-practice cyber security guidance and advice across government
- Promote clear roles and responsibilities across cyber security, privacy, safety and resiliency for NSW Government agencies and external partnerships
- Instill a cyber security risk culture across government by educating all staff on importance of cyber security and changing the accountability model that promotes identifying risks and reward remediation
- Be proactive in managing cyber security risks and threats
- Lead by example in continual uplift and improvement of NSW Government cyber security maturity against the NSW Cyber Security Policy
In order to achieve our objectives, Cyber Security NSW will lead this commitment and will focus on the 7 key focus areas:
How we will achieve our objectives:
- Enhance the capacity and capability of Cyber Security NSW to provide a proactive whole-of-government cyber security function. Including enhancing pre-existing NSW Strategies such as secure by design.
- Provide government-wide cyber security training and awareness services to NSW government agencies and local councils that is aligned to our training to threats and risks relevant to industry and government.
- Provide services and assistance to enable small agencies and local councils improve their cyber security maturity.
- Establish and deliver targeted department cyber security uplift programs.
- Establish an audit assistance function for agencies reporting against the Cyber Security Policy.
- Maintain and improve on whole-of-government cyber security governance groups to ensure understanding and consideration of cyber security risks and promote roles and responsibilities for cyber security across government.
- Continue to collaborate and co-ordinate with state and federal counterparts in cyber security committees and forums and leverage insights to manage NSW government cyber security risks and threats.