Stories tune Filter results keyboard_arrow_left Back Filters Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Assurance Capability Connectivity Cyber security Data Digital Digital Design System Guidance Legacy Modernisation Life Journeys NSW Telco Authority Policy Policy Lab Principles Procurement Security Service Delivery Transformation Showing results 265 - 276 of 347 results Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) NSW Data Champions Network Capability Data Digital 5th November 2019 The NSW Department of Customer Service recently held the third Data Champions Network meeting - a quarterly meeting that brings together east Spatial Services maps the future of NSW’s digital transformation Digital 29th October 2019 Until July this year, government departments have had separate access to satellite imagery which was dependent on their budgets. A workshop east buy.nsw takes another step towards seamless procurement Digital Procurement Transformation 29th October 2019 NSW Procurement and Digital NSW are on a journey to deliver simplified, seamless procurement. We are transforming buy.nsw into a centralised east Heightened risk of phishing attacks: 'Emotet' campaign Cyber security 25th October 2019 The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is investigating a widespread malware campaign known as Emotet east NSW developing Artificial Intelligence Strategy Artificial Intelligence Policy 24th October 2019 "The NSW Government AI Strategy will also strive to ensure the safe use of AI, finding the balance between opportunity and risk, and east Scaling a design system Digital Digital Design System Transformation 16th September 2019 When we launched the public beta of the NSW Design System in December 2018, we had no idea that what we delivered as a test-and-learn east The NSW Design Standards re-release – a story of iteration Digital Design System Transformation 16th September 2019 In the beginning We launched the public beta of the NSW Design System in December 2018, driven and guided by a strong set of principles - east Visualising a clean, crisp data story Data 2nd September 2019 Clear data visualisations are key to making an impact on your audience. Regardless of the type of visualisation you use or the technology east Uniting Data Champions in NSW Government Data Transformation 28th August 2019 There is a wealth of data in government agencies sitting around, unloved and unutilised. We blogged recently that smarter use of data can east The Future of Digital Transformation and CX in Government Digital Transformation 26th August 2019 Transformation happens quickly. Ten years ago, we were without iPads, we'd only just gotten maps on mobiles, and you wouldn't have dreamed east View timely property information now 19th August 2019 Previously customers found it challenging to find information on upcoming land and property development. This had significant impact on east Knowledge and skills available on the go with TAFE Digital 19th August 2019 TAFE Digital is the largest online education provider in Australia. With the new TAFE Digital Campus, students can get quick and easy access east Pagination keyboard_arrow_left Back Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 keyboard_arrow_right Next Stay in the loop and sign up to the Digital NSW newsletter Find out about work happening across NSW Government in the digital space. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required)