Following the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) on the August 19 2022, we are pleased to share with you the projects that were recently funded through the Digital Restart Fund August 22 (11) intake, The total investment of $65.77M, has been invested to continue digital transformation for NSW Customers.

Education Wallet - $24.55M
Education Wallet will enable customers to plan employment and education pathways that suit them. Customers can curate their achievements, experiences and strengths and present it in meaningful ways to prospective employers and further education providers. Customers make informed decisions on a VET course and training providers.
Transport Asset Custodian Platform - $20M
A centralised asset information register containing data such as operational performance, risk exposure, asset condition, maintenance planning and project delivery of Transport department owned assets.

ePlanning - Tranche 3 - $16.39M
Continue the delivery of digital services as per the ePlanning Business Case (phase 4 of the program) targeting implementation of the BASIX system, Design Building Manual, Local and Regional contributions, LEP tracker online, local and district plans, development of APIs and other spatial changes.
Rural Access Gap - funding release 4 - $70.5M
The Rural Access Gap program is a direct intervention package providing 1,003 rural, regional and remote schools with technology, along with associated support and training, to close the equity gap in educational resources and opportunities.

Process and Technology Harmonisation - release 3 $47.5M
The Process and Technology Harmonisation program seeks to implement 'Horizon 1' of a three Horizon strategy for Process and Technology Harmonisation (PaTH) across Shared Services (SS) operations and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in NSW Government.
Smart Places - Flood and Storm Intelligence
Funding was allocation in a previous intake ($4.56M), with the project being approved in this around. Integrated, timely and trusted flood and storm data from source (sensor) to emergency service agencies operational intelligence systems. One integrated network providing real'time data by utilising NB'IoT and 5G sensor technologies.

Smarter Cleaner Sydney Harbour - $0.5M
The initiative will develop field'testing Smart Sensors in Stormwater Assets in the Greater Sydney Harbour catchment. Sensors alert stormwater Assets in the Greater Sydney Harbour catchment. Sensors alert stormwater managers when they require emptying, by using artificial intelligence to accelerate the detection and classification of rubbish of rubbish in our waterways. Councils can plan effectively, respond quickly, and improve the quality of water faster.
Sydney Olympic Park Authority uplift - $1.1M
Secure SOPA's independent assets and enhance cyber security resilience across the agency using ACSC. Essential eight guidelines for mitigating cyber security threats. The eight essential activities will consider existing DPE frameworks to maintain consistency with the wider organisation.

Sydney Trains - $2M
This project will deliver two key controls for ensuring cyber security threats are detected and prevented on critical networks and Endpoints which contribute to 'Detect, Protect, Respond & Recover' capability uplift within the Sydney Trains Operational Technology (OT), Endpoint Security (EPS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
Cyber uplift for Investment NSW and Destination NSW - $5M
Cyber security has been identified by the agencies as a high priority to achieve organisational objectives. These agencies have global presence and offshore staff representing NSW on the world stage and are exposed to unique cyber security risks and global regulatory requirements.

Cyber Uplift for DEIT - $5M
The newly established Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade brings together a raft of agencies focused on post pandemic economic recovery for NSW. Adequate investment in cyber security will ensure investor and customer confidence in the department to meet its operational objectives. This project is intended to uplift the cyber security maturity of the newly established DEIT department agencies.
Digital Oyster Shipment Notification Service - $1.48M
Easy and seamless integrated digital solution for overall management of the aquaculture business reporting with 'Tell us Once' solution. Real-time compliance checks as the user enters the oyster shipment details, using 'Rules as Code' process. Simple digital form to increase compliance reporting of oyster shipments, which leads to significantly decreasing biosecurity and economic risk.

Diversion of Transport Fines for vulnerable youth - $0.72M
The delivery of an immediate Tell us Once support for vulnerable young people in relation to transport fines, enhancing the customer experience, improve the trust with government and striving to break the cycle of hardship.
Member availability and mobilisation solution - $4.8M
This project will deliver a sustainable and contemporary solution for members to manage their availability data and respond to mobilisation requests, providing NSW SES with real'time state'wide visibility of resourcing, and facilitating improved resource planning and analysis. This application will support the Service in ensuring we have the right people, with the right skills, in the right location at the right time to respond to requests for assistance from the NSW Community.