Delivering smarter, customer centric digital solutions, reducing red tape, enhancing business productivity and protecting NSW communities
The licensing systems in NSW historically had different touchpoints, involved paper forms, required significant manual involvement, used several legacy systems and disjointed data sets. This created inefficiencies in processing and prevented customers from simply communicating required information.
Working in new ways to optimise licensing processes for customers in NSW
The NSW Licensing Program is working in new ways to optimise licensing processes across NSW Government.
The Program is driving more standardisation with licensing schemes through multidisciplinary teams involving Service NSW, regulators, and Government Technology Platforms.
By approaching licensing in this way, reusable components are being developed for licence schemes, which can then be grouped by similar design patterns to accelerate delivery. When customers apply for a licence or permit, many of the requirements are similar, such as verifying proof of identity, providing evidence of qualifications, and paying for their licence or permit.
Even though licences and permits issued across a large range of industry sectors – from conveyancing to paintball and electrical to tattooing – the Licensing Program is delivering a more consistent, quicker, and easier customer experience.
For customers this means:
- Quicker and easier for customers to get a licence – anywhere, anytime
- Reducing complexity, time, red tape for individuals and small businesses
- Providing digital products that meet contemporary expectations
- Improving the ease & ability to start (or restart) and operate a business
For regulators this means:
- A digital foundation for ongoing regulatory reform to protect NSW communities
- Improved regulatory oversight and data analytics
- Reduced licence processing time and other legacy system and process cost reductions
“We aren't just digitising the front end, that appears pleasing. What we are delivering is a true digital transformation.” Licencing project lead