Previous consultations have shown that children and young people don't often seek help to respond to negative experiences online, and only a small percentage have sought help from a social media company or other organisations.
Women NSW, in collaboration with the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP), developed a social media campaign to raise young women and girls' awareness of the eSafety Commissioner's digital resources for online safety. The campaign was designed to educate and support young women and girls to stay safe online, highlighting excellent resources developed by the eSafetyCommissioner.
The campaign focuses on top five online safety concerns of young women and girls, which were identified through ACYP poll and consultations: spending money online, personal data and online safety, bullying and harassment, unwanted approaches on social media and others using personal photos inappropriately.
The online educational resources support young women and girls to stay safe online, and provides information about the steps they can take if something happens. Promoting online safety is part of the NSW Women's Strategy 2018-2022, which provides a whole of government and whole of community approach to improving the economic, social and physical wellbeing of women and girls across NSW. The eSafety Commissioner endorsed Women NSW's social media campaign.
View eSafety Commissioner's Digital Resources and NSW Women's Strategy 2018-2022 to learn more about keeping safe online.