Stories tune Filter results keyboard_arrow_left Back Filters Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Capability Connectivity Cyber security Data Digital Digital Assurance Digital Design System Guidance Legacy Modernisation Life Journeys NSW Telco Authority Policy Policy Lab Principles Procurement Security Service Delivery Transformation Showing results 1 - 12 of 13 results Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) What does responsible AI use look like? Q&A with Daniel Roelink Artificial Intelligence Digital 21st January 2025 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop and change rapidly, it’s becoming even more important that we know what responsible AI east What’s new in the Digital Assurance Framework and AI Assessment Framework - and why it matters Artificial Intelligence Digital 1st July 2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the digital environment and reshaping our world. Recognising AI’s impact on society, the east Innovative technology protecting communities: Flood and Storm Intelligence Sensing Artificial Intelligence Data 8th April 2024 Floods and storms can have devastating effects on homes and communities, with climate change continuing to present extreme and dangerous east Enhancing crowd safety using AI technology (Taylor’s Version) Artificial Intelligence 26th February 2024 Over the weekend, Accor Stadium saw a turnout of over 80,000 fans each night for Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour – making it one of the largest east AI Guidelines: Using artificial intelligence in the NSW public sector Artificial Intelligence Digital 11th December 2023 The NSW Government has recently released AI Guidelines to encourage the responsible use of generative AI by the public sector workforce east AI Assurance in NSW Government: Balancing opportunity and risk Artificial Intelligence 3rd November 2023 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation will continue to play an important role in government, and when implemented appropriately, have east Where Do Customer and Digital Go Next? The Digital.NSW Showcase! Artificial Intelligence Cyber security Digital Procurement 3rd November 2022 Do you live in the state of NSW? Are you a business operating in NSW? Do you have a curious mind with an interest in all things Digital? If east The roadmap to an effective AI assurance ecosystem with Amber Fletcher Artificial Intelligence Data Digital Transformation 22nd March 2022 As of 31st March 2022, safer and more efficient services will be delivered for NSW customers and business using artificial intelligence (AI) east Improving Taxi Rank Safety Artificial Intelligence Digital 8th March 2022 Project Overview In April 2020, the Point-to-Point Transport Commissioner (the Commission) partnered with Cisco Systems Australia (Cisco) to east Using artificial intelligence to identify and support customers facing hardship Artificial Intelligence Capability 21st September 2021 With the help of AI, Revenue NSW is using a range of indicators to identify and support vulnerable customers early who may be unable to pay east Case Studies on the use of AI in NSW Government Artificial Intelligence Capability 13th September 2021 At NSW Government we are stepping up our use of emerging technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), in areas where these east NSW Government AI Summit Artificial Intelligence Digital Policy Lab Service Delivery 2nd December 2019 Communique The NSW Government held the AI Thought Leaders Summit on 29 November 2019. The Summit was opened by the Minister for Customer east Pagination Page 1 Page 2 keyboard_arrow_right Next Stay in the loop and sign up to the Digital NSW newsletter Find out about work happening across NSW Government in the digital space. First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required)