Feedback assist
Feedback Assist is a whole of government complaint management system owned by the Department of Customer Service. It's implementation on 'home' and 'contact us' pages is mandatory on NSW Government websites.
The product is built on the principle of 'no wrong door' that provide customers with an easily accessible contact point additional to (and ideally linking with) existing agency systems to lodge, track and manage complaints. It allows a two-way interaction with customers by allowing them to leave their contact details if they would like to receive a response.
The Feedback Assist ecosystem consists of the following two components:
The citizen interface

The feedback assist widget is a citizen interface application that is visible on the right-hand side of customer facing NSW Government websites, homepage and contact us page as a minimum. The widget allows customers to provide feedback in the form of complaints, compliments or suggestions, by selecting the corresponding icons.
Employee case management system

Data gathered through the citizen interface (widget) is directed to a case management system (CMS) operated by Salesforce. Each government agency can manage the data entered by customers into their Salesforce queue.
We recommend all NSW Government customer facing websites implement Feedback Assist. The following criteria will assist you to identify if your agency should implement Feedback Assist widget:
- The website is customer facing
- The website is NSW Government branded
- The website has NSW citizens as their audience
- The website has in their domain
- The department or an agency provides services to the citizens of NSW
Feedback Assist offers a full package of front end widget and backend system to manage feedback received via the widget.
The product allows users to reach out to provide feedback on any issue and also through the channel of their choice – options to access phone, email or webform is available via the widget and provides the agency a closed loop feedback interaction with the customer.
Feedback Assist tracks agency responsiveness by incorporating service level reminders and reporting. Agencies have the opportunity to customise one question – the rest are consistent. Free text areas have limits of over 10,000 characters.
There are two package groups for agencies to choose from when implementing Feedback Assist. Agencies with no electronic system choose the 'Standard' package option, and those with an existing Salesforce or other electronic complaint management system in place may choose the 'Integration' option
Feedback Assist 'Standard' package
- One or multiple websites into one queue
- Queue could be a singular or combined customer channel
- Salesforce solution has been enhanced to capture additional fields from the widget and customised to enable richer reporting
- Users are allocated to manage a queue
- Each user will require a Salesforce licence to access and manage the queue

Feedback Assist 'Integration' package
- One or multiple websites into one queue
- Queue will capture data from widget and pass all the information to the external system via an API
- When the case is updated in the external system, information will be passed back to queue via API
- When the case is closed in the external system, information will be passed back to the queue in feedback Assist via API

Feedback Assist must be implemented at a minimum on the 'home' and 'contact us' page on all government sites.
Digital NSW has implemented Feedback Assist on every page on its site, not just the mandatory home and contents page. This overcomes the issue of users missing the opportunity when navigating to content from a search engine, and allows users, including NSW public servants and citizens to provide feedback (complaint, compliment or suggestion) from any page.
Has a consistent look and feel to align with NSW Government branding and recognition as a NSW Government tool.
The product has been implemented on the right hand side of the page in line with the NSW placement requirements, giving it a consistent look and feel to align with NSW Government branding and recognition as a NSW Government tool.
Is feedback assist right for your product or service?

If you would like to implement feedback assist, download and complete the implementation checklist (DOCX, 425.94 KB) and email it to for review.
Our team is available to provide:
- support to agencies implementing feedback assist
- API specification support and required documentation
- training material to help navigate through the system
- best system practices to manage feedback
- face-to-face training to users on a department level
Need more information?
Government Technology Platform
Department of Finance Services and Innovation